A seed planting calendar for vegetable plants on a microgreen focused website?
As a home microgreen grower, we still plant vegetable plants for transplant out to the garden. So, we thought this seed planting calendar spreadsheet might interest you as well.
On the sister website, My View From The Woods, we published a blog post highlighting a seed planting calendar spreadsheet that calculates when you should start planting your vegetable seeds indoors for later transplant into the garden.
What Does the Seed Planting Calendar Do?
The purpose of the seed planting spreadsheet is to give you a range of dates that is ideal for planting your vegetable seeds, so they’re ready to transplant once the risk of frost has passed.
I’m not going to get into too many details here, as it is explained in the post on MVFTW, but here’s the gist.
How the Seed Calendar Works
The calendar uses your last frost date as the basis of when to plant each seed vegetable.
Don’t know your last frost date?
That’s ok, there’s a link on the spreadsheet that goes to the National Gardening Association website where you enter your zip code to get your last frost date.
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Better yet, the matrix that comes up when you enter your zip code gives you a choice of how much risk you want to take before setting your transplants out into the garden.
We recommend using the 10% chance a frost will occur (<32-degrees). However, you can take a bigger risk, or even use a date when the temperatures don’t go below 36-degrees.
Once you enter your last frost date into the spreadsheet, all of the dates change giving you the ideal range to plant your vegetable seeds, so they’re ready to plant out into the garden.
Visit My View From The Woods to Download the Seed Planting Calendar Spreadsheet
Below you can see an example. So for our last frost date here in Syracuse, New York, the ideal time for us to plant cabbage seeds is between April 4th and the 14th.
Best Part About The Spreadsheet!
The best part about the seed planting spreadsheet is that once you download it, the spreadsheet is yours to write notes on or adjust the dates according to the microclimate of your garden.
You download a copy of the Google Sheet and save it to your account.
If we change the spreadsheet, by adding new data or something else, we’ll send out a link so you can download a new copy.
As long as you stay on the MVFTW list, you’ll be alerted.
Learn More & Get a Copy of the Spreadsheet
Click the button below, and a new window will open to the article on My View From The Woods and look for the download button to get your copy now!
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