Lesson 2: Where to Grow Microgreens
In this lesson, I discuss where in the home you can grow microgreens. I weigh the positives and negatives of placing microgreens in high traffic areas, and give my recommendations on the best locations to grow microgreens in the home.
Lesson 3: Microgreen Trays
In the third lesson, I discuss what are the most popular microgreens trays and if you are new to microgreens or gardening for that matter what terms like 1010 and 1020 mean. Important features of trays are also outlined.
Lesson 4: Preparing Trays for Seeds
Filling trays with soil seems like it should be elementary. But there are a couple of key points that need to be discussed such as what variety of microgreen you are sowing, and how much water to add to the tray pre-planting.
Lesson 5: Sowing Microgreen Seeds
In Lesson 5, I discuss how to place microgreen seeds on the soil surface, if you need to soak microgreen seeds, and what tools can aid in evenly spacing your microgreen seeds on the tray.
Lesson 6: Germination by Weighted Blackout
There are several different methods of germinating microgreens seeds. The method shown in this Lesson works well with all varieties of microgreens. It is the one method to learn first and I discuss it in detail in the Lesson.
Lesson 7: When to Remove Trays from Blackout
When to place microgreens under the light causes confusion even with advanced microgreen growers. If you follow the instructions in the Lesson video it will take much of the doubt away. The video also shows the difference between mold and those cute little root hairs that show when microgreen seeds germinate.
Lesson 8: Setting Up the Lights
In Lesson 8, we step away from growing microgreens and discuss what lights are best and the ideal distance between the lights and the top of the microgreens. What equipment you use, or choose not to use, affects how the microgreens will grow.
Lesson 9: Placing Microgreens Under Light
In Lesson 9, I discuss more details of light placement, sunlight, tray spacing, and the most important detail of all after sowing microgreens is how and when to water microgreen trays.
Lesson 10: Growing Microgreens to Harvest
The hard work is over. But in this Lesson, I discuss the timing of watering your microgreens and general care of the greens as they grow toward harvest height.
Lesson 11: Harvesting & Storing Microgreens
You have done it! You got your growing space prepared, you fill trays and sowed seeds, care for them in their more venerable state, gave them life with light, and carefully cared for them as they grew. Now it is time to harvest. In this lesson, I discuss how to know when microgreens are ready to harvest, what tools to use to harvest and store cut microgreens, and two methods that you can use to harvest.
Lesson 12: Post-Harvest - What's Next?
Now that you have grown at least one tray of microgreens, what do we do next? Re-use the soil? How to clean the trays? What seed should we buy next? I discuss all of these topics in Lesson 12.
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